Shelburne Village Dentistry Blog

Fitness Vs. Your Smile: Does Exercise Harm Your Dental Health?

January 13, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — shelburnedent @ 9:47 pm
Woman stretching before starting her workout

Exercise is good for you, end of sentence – right? Actually, it may be more accurate to say that smart exercise is good for you. Work out too much, and you could seriously hurt yourself. Don’t take the proper precautions with more intense activities, and, again, serious pain could be coming your way!

As it turns out, your teeth are another part of your body that you should be careful to protect during exercise. When it comes to fitness vs. your smile, keep these points in mind.


Mystery Solved: What Your Dentist is Looking for in Your Mouth

October 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — shelburnedent @ 11:18 pm
A woman at a dentist appointment.

Have you ever wondered why your dentist wants to see you so often? You brush your teeth and floss at home, so why do you need to visit twice a year? The truth is that even though you do take care of your teeth at least two times a day, you still need to get your teeth cleaned and examined every six months. That’s because in addition to removing stubborn plaque, your dentist is searching for warning signs that your oral health could be in trouble. If you’ve ever wondered exactly what they may be looking for in your mouth, here are a few things your dentist is keeping an eye out for when you stop by for your semi-annual appointments!


Breath Mints or Chewing Gum: Which to Pick for Your Oral Health?

August 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — shelburnedent @ 2:58 am
Someone with a nice smile

Oral hygiene extends beyond brushing and flossing; what we do between these routines also plays a significant role in dental health. Among popular choices for freshening breath, breath mints and chewing gum often come into consideration. However, their impact on dental health differs significantly. This article explores which option—breath mints or chewing gum—is better for your teeth by examining their effects on oral health, sugar content, and overall convenience.


Protect Your Teeth Around the Pool with These Oral Health Tips

June 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — shelburnedent @ 10:40 pm
Underwater view of pool

If there’s one thing people associate with summer, it’s swimming. Enjoying some time in the pool is an excellent way to have fun and exercise in the hot weather, but it comes with a few oral health risks that need to be considered. Here’s a brief guide from your dentist to how swimming can lead to oral injuries along with a few tips for ensuring that your grin stays gorgeous and shiny when you’re having fun in the sun.


Toothache Trauma: What If It Just Goes Away?

April 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — shelburnedent @ 6:24 pm
Woman with brown hair in a tan shirt holding two hands to her jaw in pain

Imagine this scenario: you have a severe toothache that occurs suddenly or gradually gets worse over time, so you contact your dentist for an emergency appointment. Then, despite all the previous discomfort, the throbbing miraculously clears up. It’d be easy to assume that because the pain went away there’s no longer an issue.

Unfortunately, dental issues don’t usually resolve themselves so your oral health could still be at risk. Continue reading to learn more about why you might have experienced this and what it means for your dental well-being!


Teeth Whitening or Veneers: Which Option Is Ideal for You?

February 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — shelburnedent @ 10:32 am
A woman comparing the shades of her teeth

As it turns out, cosmetic dentistry has two great ways to treat tooth stains. The first is teeth whitening – a service that can greatly brighten your grin. Meanwhile, the second choice is a set of porcelain veneers. These facts can present a dilemma: how do you decide between the two options? Well, your local Shelburne dentist is here to answer that question. Read on to learn whether you should get teeth whitening or veneers to lighten your grin.


November is TMJ Awareness Month: Get the Relief You Need!

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — shelburnedent @ 5:02 pm
pointing at the TMJ joint on a model of a skull

It’s estimated that over 10 million Americans are struggling with symptoms of TMJ disorder, which is a condition known to impact the function and comfort of your jaw joints and surrounding muscles. Fortunately, if you’re experiencing signs of this condition, even if you feel helpless, there are treatment options and professionals you can go to in order to help ease your discomfort and reclaim your life. In honor of November being TMJ Awareness Month, take the time to learn more about TMJ disorder and how to find relief.


Why Does a Dentist Take X-rays?

August 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — shelburnedent @ 11:12 am
A dentist pointing to a patient’s dental X-rays

If you get dental checkups, most of their steps should make sense to you. A dentist looks at your teeth to find problems and cleans your smile to prevent new ones. Still, you may wonder why dentists take X-rays of your mouth. Many link this imaging work to broken bones instead of teeth. Well, there’s a good reason for this step. Your Shelburne dental practice will even explain it. Here’s a summary of dental X-rays, their types, and why to get them yearly.


Why You Shouldn’t Skip a Dental Cleaning

July 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — shelburnedent @ 9:12 am
Patient talking to a dentist

Let’s be honest—nobody really likes leaving the house when they don’t have to. Sometimes, the only thing that feels better than making plans is canceling them last minute. If you have a dental checkup coming up, you might be tempted to skip your appointment. After all, what could happen?

As it turns out, there are quite a few reasons why regular dental cleanings are important. Here are a few things that you need to consider.
